8 Questions to Ask Your Coffee Importer

  • Room: 1A22
  • Session Number: CNYS06
Sunday, March 05, 2023: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Jim Ngokwey
Managing Partner
Mighty Peace Coffee
United States


As coffee people, we want to make sure our actions and our money are part of the solution. We don’t want to make the problems worse. This can be even more challenging for roasters who may not get to travel as much as they’d like and have to trust their importer(s). We've come up with a framework and questions to dive into with coffee importer(s) to uncover insights and better understand the impact of your purchase(s) and your importing partners’ values and perspectives.

  1. How is the price of your coffee set?
  2. What is considered a living wage in the country/countries you import coffee from?
  3. Do you pay producers directly or through a cooperative or another third party?
  4. If you pay producers through a third party, how do you verify that producers received what they’ve earned?
  5. What role(s) do women play in the value stream locally?
  6. What can be done to increase gender equity in the coffee industry in the country/countries you import coffee from?
  7. What does the local coffee ecosystem in the producing country/countries need to thrive?
  8. In addition to higher wages, what can be done to ensure our industry’s sustainability?

This is a free session included in your general admission.
